Famous egyptian food-bloggers Shaan Terzibashian and Melissa Khorkhoryan at Photo Atelier Marashlyan
17 января, 2019
Famous egyptian food-bloggers Shaan Terzibashian and Melissa Khorkhoryan have met each other with the help of ... Armenian alphabet. Shaan is an egyptian armenian, and Melissa is an armenian from Istanbul.

Shaan have seen Melissa’s photo in instagram, he noticed that her name was written on her bracelet in armenian and decided to meet her. First time they have seen each other in Lebanon, later in 2015 couple married.

Both of them, Shaan and Melissa were born and raised up in armenian families, where the cuisine was always on the first place. This year they came to Yerevan to spend holidays at their motherland, explore modern armenian cuisine and for sure visit our photostudio.

Couple decided to share emotions, which they felt being at Photoatelier Marashlyan and posted on their FB page:"If we took a time machine and travelled to our Motherland, this is exactly how we would look like a few hundred years ago.